Sunday, September 30, 2012

Final Fantasy

Finally I got my hands on a copy of this game, Dissidia: Final Fantasy is the newest Final Fantasy game for the Sony PlayStation Portable or PSP release. I'll get the Japanese version and the North American version sometime in mid-2009. Honestly, I think the game would be nothing for me, but I was wrong, very wrong!

Story and Gameplay
After the opening sequence of a long but very enjoyable good and evil, you are just a little at the idea of ​​what is going on. Cosmo, the goddess of harmony (which is good) and Chaos, the god of discord (evil) have both called the last few Final Fantasy characters for his / her side to fight. Honestly, I do not know any of the characters in front of Final Fantasy 6 and I play this game. I sat in class 6 when Final Fantasy 6 (3 in America) came out, so you can not blame me.

The heroes:

Warrior of Light - Final Fantasy
Firion - Final Fantasy II
Onion Knight - Final Fantasy III
Cecil Harvey - Final Fantasy IV
Bartz Klauser - Final Fantasy V
Terra Branford - Final Fantasy VI
Cloud Strife Final - Fantasy VII
Squall Leonhart - Final Fantasy VIII
Zidane Tribal - Final Fantasy IX
Tidus - Final Fantasy X
Shantotto - Final Fantasy XI (Tarutaru Ahh our beloved and adorable!)

The Villains:

Garland - Final Fantasy
Emperor - Final Fantasy II
Cloud of Darkness - Final Fantasy III
Golbez - Final Fantasy IV
Exdeath - Final Fantasy V
Kefka Palazzo - Final Fantasy VI
Sephiroth - Final Fantasy VII
Ultimecia - Final Fantasy VIII
Kuja - Final Fantasy IX
Jecht - Final Fantasy X
Gabranth - Final Fantasy XII

First you have to go through the prologue, which acts as a series of tutorials for the game. I love this game because it is a combination of board games, Action, and RPG in one! Prolog will teach you how to navigate to the board, get items from treasure chests, battle monsters, etc. On the first day you can easily feel overwhelmed, at least I do, with all the features and options. But because the menus are designed so elegant, it is easy to get to and the key is used for selection. Macross Ace Frontier contrast to, which I last two weeks ago. This is what I do. Expected from Square Enix of all the games and so far I have not been disappointed

There are two modes - story mode and 1 on 1 The story mode lets you select the character you want to play the story. The 1 on 1 for me is the only way to level grind your character.

As you fight through the battles and the final stage, you gain experience points and items and gils (money), booster can be used, and your character stats. Buy new weapons / items from the store

There are many things to cover in terms of the actual gameplay because the split between board games and a part of the actual battle. I will try and cover as much as I can.

Part board game quite determined how many battles you'll fight in the board (to fight for you, and gain experience and items) treasure chest, healing items, monsters, and end a statue to be devastating to a certain stage (note it is not necessary to kill all the enemies to complete the stage, the destruction of statues enough, that's at least what I've seen so far During each stage will be given to points called points destiny. basically just points for you to navigate through all stages of when you might be on stage to manage without a negative conclusion to get more points after the stage, sometimes I think you should get to order all negative (or I just suck) get. You can complete the opportunity DP as DP defeat your enemies in 10 seconds or trigger attacks Your EX (specific steps that I spoke later) within 10 seconds (not all enemies DP chance, so how do you plan to move across the board.

Across the board, not just moving, but you also have the skills that you use, such as curing 30% of your HP or cast a negative impact on your enemies adjacent to where you are. Finally, you can press R to go into search mode and check the enemy every level and opportunity DP. Next time I think it's not very useful though.

That should be the basis of the board game is now covered in the actual battle!

Fighting is very fast, square and circle buttons to attack, defend, R, L to switch targets on / off (sometimes you have to look elsewhere and do not, your enemy will go all the time), you can walk on walls or jump triangle from one place to another (very useful if you are fighting in a stage where it almost did not go anywhere for you, you have to jump up and down) and jump across. EX attacks or special moves triggered when the EX gauge is full and by pressing R + Square. If you are Esper equipped, you can restart by pressing R + circle when the EX gauge is full. They will slowly fill your EX gauge when you are attacked, or by filling EX elements that appear randomly attacked in battle.

Once the EX attack is triggered, the order buttons are shown, you have to get them right, the maximum number of hits from it, and in the end, you will press the button, you are shown the last stroke as well. I have not mastered this attack.

After leveling, your character will get not just statistics, but he / she also gain more abilities that you can set your keys. Press the left circle and can attack as a key right / up / down and circle! The combination is endless, not literally, but you get my idea. This applies to attack the square button as well. You can also choose a different attack from EX EX-menu. This will give you at least some idea of ​​what this game has to offer. I'm pretty sure there are more features that I have not covered, such as the mini-game option, PP requires that I'm trying to figure out is, what I know is that I use some 30pp must be done in conjunction with the "treasure hunt in a cave. " Unfortunately I can not have too much Japanese.

There is also a multiplayer mode, but I have not had a chance to test it.

Graphics and Audio
The graphics are quite impressive, and I speak not only of the CG intro, but the game graphics. Character facial animation is one of the best I've seen on the PSP, you can really detailed facial animation of each character. How to blink their eyes, their mouth / lips when he was talking to his move as smooth as an anime only. It's pretty much the best feature I like about Dissidia: Final Fantasy in terms of graphics.

Also worth mentioning is the special effects / Light game, be it when you move around the board, scrolling through menus or fight enemies and destroyed objects, and if you or your opponent is forced to the wall, the wall will break. All this really improve the game so realistic.

Square Enix has that some of the best music in the game industry, if not the famous composer. And Dissidia: Final Fantasy is no exception, but once again the game was basically using the music of all the Final Fantasy series.

Some new online games all over the world benefit from the game, as it seized a different part of the Final Fantasy saga. No doubt, the basic franchise from Square-Enix's Final Fantasy series of missed ever prevent them rapaciously faithful in every game in the history of the long-running title.

And now, all excited to introduce a new online game Final Fantasy 13 Chapter expecting.

What was used as the Sony PlayStation 3 has recently release a special double for the PS3 on top and a much more successful Microsoft console machine, the Xbox 360, at least to a remote Japanese advertised announced.

This new game Final Fantasy XIII begins in Cocoon island paradise hanging in strong futuristic-like divine beings known as the fal'Cie affected. However, the strength of the opponent, such as Pulse loiters, under Cocoon, covered spreading danger, darkness and despair. Both Cocoon and Pulse driven by their own crystals - high energy, which has been the core in every Final Fantasy game - which in turn evolved into an important point of collision to come, which will act as a backdrop for the adventure players.

Without a crystal, a secure online general approach as many other new games to come back, similar to a character named Cid, airplanes, chocobos, leveling problems, waving and calling demons like Ifrit and Bahamut, a powerful demon such as Ultima and devastating spells such as fire, Fira and Firaga.

In this new online game, the man behind the image is also just visible. Motomu Toriyama, director of Final Fantasy X-2 and the director and the writer sets out to Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings, Final Fantasy XIII principal conductor would. Eiji Fujii, director of Final Fantasy XII is 13, according to CGGs chapter looks fantastic. Isamu Kamikokuryo, shared responsibility art direction for Final Fantasy XII, has a guide for Final Fantasy XIII. And Kazumi Kobayashi and Yoshiki Kashitani, veterans of previous Final Fantasy games, will return as the primary programmer for the latest version.

There are plenty of new video game Final Fantasy XIII are encouraged. Combat system is very unique. Gone are the random encounters and turn-based complex systems than the previous games. Final Fantasy XIII will be using active gathering systems that will act as a real-time meeting system, very similar to the hack and slash game today. Illustrations should be up, not only in relation to other entries in the next installment, but also when equated with other games for generations of machines.

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